Posted by V.S. ( on January 22, 2015 at 12:46:21:
In Reply to: What are Brotherhood shows like these days anyway? posted by B-Ville Crowe on January 16, 2015 at 15:28:57:
Remember that scene in Spinal Tap, where David St. Hubbins says "You are witnesses to the birth of Spinal Tap Mach II?" Well, it's not that tedious (there's that word again). But CRB does meander. I'm a '96 Crowes partisan, so I dig jams. But even at my advanced age, I still prefer 'em a bit less . . . mellow. Maybe I'm just not taking the right substances.
CRB has got some good material: Rosalee, Tulsa Yesterday, Let's Go, for example. The audience grooves on those songs every time. A good time is had by all. As for some of the other stuff, I dunno, maybe it's a good idea to avoid songs that have suite in the title, unless your name is Stravinsky.
Anyway, I've seen CRB about half a dozen times. The Fillmore shows in San Francisco in December 2011 were fun, but that had a lot to do with the setting and the company (Bitter, Bitter Me and RoyHobbes and my wife and some other friends). By far the most lively CRB show I've seen took place outside on a beautiful Sunday last Spring. The occasion was Atlanta's Sweetwater 420 festival. 'Nuff said?
: I haven't heard Chris solo in well over a decade when he had that boring New Earth Mud album. I caught him once in New York around then and it was boring. I also caught him with Phil Lesh and it was pretty good.
: Part of me is curious but part of me wouldn't cross the street to see them