Re: Great year to be a thankful Crowes fan (mi)

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Posted by CT Crowe ( on November 23, 2017 at 19:57:12:

In Reply to: Great year to be a thankful Crowes fan (mi) posted by Bitter, Bitter Me on November 23, 2017 at 09:26:58:

I'll second all of those points - and the part about being off the grid social media wise. The Magpie Salute facebook groups are tempting though.

I saw the two Connecticut shows and got two completely different sets. The band definitely improved by Fairfield and I think the crowd was more robust. This should grow.

Very impressed with Joe Magistro!

This double album should be interesting - I think Marc writes the best songs of all of the core crowes - albeit not in high volume. I wonder if he and rich will co write anything?

: I think that this was the first year in a long time that ended with Crowes fans feeling optimistic.

: Thanks to Rich for being the catalyst for Magpie and showing who the true leader of the band is.

: Thanks to Marc for returning to the fold and reclaiming his title as Marc Fuckin' Ford.

: Thanks to the rest of the Magpie Salute for their amazing work on the road and meeting the high standards that are set when Rich and Marc step onstage together.

: And thanks to the tapers, and especially...wait, do I have this right?...Steve Hagar?...yep, Steve Hagar for documenting the past several weeks in both audio and video. We know that everything that has to do with the Crowes is impermanent, so having SBDs, matrices and DAUDs, as well as some amazing video of the fall of 2017, is a big fucking deal.

: And thanks to livin' for keeping the lights on here for those of us not on social media.

: Oh, and thanks to CR for continuing to show his true colors in the media and not making me pine for a "real" reunion. I'm just fine with Hogg right now, thanks, especially if it means Magpie tours for a longer period of time.

: Thankful for a great 2017 in Crowedom, and the promise of what 2018 holds.

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