Posted by Maestro ( on October 17, 2019 at 22:26:24:
In Reply to: The Jimmy Page part of Steve's book posted by Boog on October 17, 2019 at 11:45:25:
...but I agree with you 100%. If you're a real musician, who had written many great songs (and some actual hits, for what it's worth), you want to do your own thing.
The first tour with Page, what six nights in two cities over the course of a week, sure, how fun, rehearse the Zep songs we all know and love, why not? Big, cheering crowds, fuck yeah!
But then, a months-long tour the next year...the Crowes weren't even really a cover band for long in their early days, if I understand correctly, so to go out for weeks on end playing Zep songs and a few of your own and some covers...I actually get it. I also get it from Steve's perspective - he had suffered through ever-dwindling and enthusiastic crowds from 95 to 96 to 97, to playing tiny places again on the "Sho Nuff" tour, and opening for fucking Lenny Kravitz in 99, so it makes sense. But as much as I think Rich is a dumb prick, and as much as I'm sure he could have handled Page's offer more diplomatically, I really don't fault him.
And you're right, what had Page done? His only solo album in '88 was a piece of shit, the Firm was shit, the Coverdale thing was shit...I actually did really like the '98 Page/Plant album, but it wasn't earth-shattering. I doubt he had another "Heartbreaker" or "Over The Hills..." in his pocket or we probably would have heard it in the past 20 years.
And yes, if JP really quit the tour because of that slight, if he really liked Steve and the guys and was digging the shows...fuck him!
So, yes, I do agree with you on this one...